Agriculture, peasantry as an object of study by representatives of the civilization approach: foreign scientific thought
Main Article Content
The purpose of the article is to reveal the understanding of the classics of the civilization approach of the emergence
of agriculture and peasantry.
The scientific novelty is that the emergence of agriculture and the peasantry in the coverage of O. Spengler, J. Bernal,
J. Condorcet, W. Child, D. Thorner became the subject of special scientific study.
Conclusions. The classics of the civilizational approach understand the results of the Neolithic Revolution: the emergence
of agriculture and peasantry — as an existing factor in the planetary development of mankind. According to their research, the
peasantry is the primary basis of human civilization itself. It is separate, qualitatively different from hunting, pastoral, and
urban cultures. It is a different type of culture, closely related to the culture of land cultivation.
The changes that humanity has undergone as a result of the Neolithic Revolution, which have led to transformations in the
cognitive function of the human brain, the complication of social relations, the discovery of new techniques and technologies
for ensuring life, etc., testify to the civilizational significance of the peasantry and agriculture
Article Details
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