The peasantry of Transdnieper Ukraine at the beginning of the 20th century: culture of attitude to lend ownership

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Igor Fareniy


The historiography states the fact of conviction of the Ukrainian peasantry at the beginning of the 20th century
in its right to landed estates. The reason for claims on the land of the nobility is explained by the generally low level of
providing the peasantry with land.
The purpose of the presented article is to find out the cultural and ethical basis of peasant ideas about the right to land,
which developed at the beginning of the 20th century.
Scientific novelty of the research results. It consists in clarifying the following features social culture of the Ukrainian peasantry: the idea of ownership of land is determined by its historical memory, ethics developed by the traditional way of managing and the logic of attitude towards other social strata.
Conclusion. The attitude of the Ukrainian peasantry to the land issue was formed as a result of the specifics of historical development and was an element of traditional culture. Legal aspects determined by state legislation regarding land ownership were ignored by the peasantry. The historical memory of the peasant class preserved the idea of the period when the land was at its full disposal. Therefore, the peasantry believed that only it had the right to own land. Landlord (large) land ownership was considered as a result of the illegal taking of their land from the peasants, and should be liquidated. This logic of the origin of land ownership was preserved by the peasantry for centuries, and came with it in the 20th century. An argument in favor of seizing land holdings from landowners was also the peasant’s idea of work aimed at cultivating
the land. The peasantry considered itself as the creator of material goods, and the landlords as dependents. The purpose of labor efforts, from the point of view of the peasants, was to feed themselves. Therefore, according to the version of the peasantry, the landowners had no right to the land, since they did not cultivate it personally and the volume of their land areas exceeded the needs for sustenance. At the beginning of the 20th century the peasantry, in its views and actions, was in favor of seizing land property from landowners and transferring it to the peasantry for free. The basis for the distribution of landed estates among peasant households was the need for sustenance. Therefore, the number of family members was an argument for claims to a share of the landlord’s property. Views on the issue of land ownership were consolidated and did not depend on the property status or
educational level of the peasants. Significant from a cognitive and practical point of view is the study of the consequences of the culture of attitude to the land, formed in the past, for modern conditions.

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How to Cite
Fareniy, I. (2024). The peasantry of Transdnieper Ukraine at the beginning of the 20th century: culture of attitude to lend ownership. Ukrainian Peasant, (31).
The peasantry under the conditions of socio-cultural, socio-economic and socio-political transformations of the 19th – the 21th century
Author Biography

Igor Fareniy, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy, Ukraine

доктор історичних наук, професор, професор кафедри археології та спеціальних галузей історичної науки, Черкаський національний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького, м. Черкаси, Україна


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