Features of the formation and possibilities of self-realimation of the creative personality in the conditions of the rural location of the period of the Khrushshov ‘thaw’

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Tetіana Chubina
Yanina Fedorenko


The purpose of article – study of the peculiarities of the formation and possibilities of self-realization of
creative personalities in the conditions of rural areas during the period of the Khrushshov ‘thaw’.
Scientific novelty – specific historical examples are used to analyze the peculiarities of the formation of creative
personalities of folk artists in the conditions of the Ukrainian village under the influence of the processes of liberalization and
de-Stalinization in the mid-1950s – early 1960s. Obstacles that prevented talented peasants from fully revealing their creative
potential under the rule of a totalitarian system were clarified.
Conclusions. The period of Khrushshov’s ‘thaw’ and the policy of liberalization of socio-political and cultural life
characteristic of it contributed to the transformation of the countryside into the center of the cultural and spiritual life of the
Ukrainian people, preserving its identity and the unique national archetype formed over the centuries under the rule of the
totalitarian system. The names of village craftswomen Kateryna Bilokur, Maria Prymachenko, Tatyana Yablonska became
world-famous, whose works were admired by such cult celebrities as Pablo Picasso, Marc Chagall, etc.
Liberalization processes in the country contributed to the transformation of Ukrainian villages into art studios, which not
only satisfied the call of the rural population to self-realization, but also brought decent profits.
But at the same time, we can state that Ukrainian talented peasants were unable to fully realize themselves during the
Khrushshov ‘thaw’, since the main obstacle for them was the essence of the totalitarian system, which manifested itself in
the disdainful attitude of the party leadership towards the peasants, difficulties in obtaining passports for ordinary collective
farm workers, difficult living conditions due to the banal lack of money, the prohibition of the top management to move to
another place of residence. In addition, it was practically impossible for ordinary peasants to purchase quality materials and
accessories necessary for creativity

Article Details

How to Cite
Chubina, T., & Fedorenko, Y. (2023). Features of the formation and possibilities of self-realimation of the creative personality in the conditions of the rural location of the period of the Khrushshov ‘thaw’. Ukrainian Peasant, (29). https://doi.org/10.31651/2413-8142-2023-29-Chubina-Fedorenko
Етнокультурне буття, духовність і світогляд селянства
Author Biographies

Tetіana Chubina, Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named after Chernobyl Heroes of NUCP of Ukraine

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Full Professor,
Head of Social Sciences Department, Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety
named after Chernobyl Heroes of NUCP of Ukraine, Cherkasy, Ukraine
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9383-3604
e-mail: chubina@ukr.net

Yanina Fedorenko, Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named after Chernobyl Heroes of NUCP of Ukraine

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Professor of Social Sciences Department, Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety
named after Chernobyl Heroes of NUCP of Ukraine, Cherkasy, Ukraine
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5206-0705
е-mail: yanava@ukr.net


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