The Peasant reform of 1861 and its implementation in Podillia: modern scientific reflections

Main Article Content

Olena Stadnik
Natalia Kuzminets


Рurpose. The purpose of the study is to analyze the economic development of Podilsk province in the second half
of the 19th century. in the context of the peasant reform of 1861 by the tsarist government, a review of the established concept
of the presence of a revolutionary situation as a reason for the abolition of serfdom, a description of the socio-economic and
socio-political processes associated with the reform in Podillya, showing the transformation of social conditions after the
abolition of serfdom rights, determining the impact of the peasant reform on the further development of the noble and peasant
farms of the region and the economic development of the state as a whole.
Conclusions. The novelty of the work consists in rethinking the current topic according to the research of modern
scientists, freeing it from the involvement of historians of the Soviet period, carrying out an analysis of various aspects of the
peasant reform and the socio-economic transformations caused by it, using the example of the Podilsk province.
The peasant reform of 1861 was and remains one of the key problems of Ukrainian history in the 19th century. The
reasons for its implementation were a number of economic, social and political factors, and not the «revolutionary situation»,
which was dominant in the works of historians of the Soviet era. The reform was carried out in the interests of the state and the
existing management system and became primarily a component of the government’s large-scale measures for the economic
development of the country.

Article Details

How to Cite
Stadnik, O., & Kuzminets, N. (2023). The Peasant reform of 1861 and its implementation in Podillia: modern scientific reflections. Ukrainian Peasant, (29).
Methodology, historiography and source studies of agrarian history
Author Biographies

Olena Stadnik, Vinnytsia Myкhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

PhD (in History), Assciate Profesor of the Department
of History of Ukraine, Vinnytsia Myкhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine

Natalia Kuzminets, Vinnytsia Myкhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

PhD (in History), Assciate Profesor of the Department
of History of Ukraine, Vinnytsia Myкhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
e-mail: 1974natalika1@


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