Features of recruitment technology and the moral-psychological state of the perpetrators of the Holodomor-genocide of 1932/1933
Main Article Content
The article aims to trace the peculiarities of recruitment and the moral and psychological state of those individuals
who became executors of the greatest tragedy of Ukrainian peasantry in the 20th century — the Holodomor-genocide
of 1932–1933.
The scientific novelty of the research results is determined by its innovative nature. On the basis of the synthesis of
knowledge of modern historiography, as well as political science, ethnology and psychology, the factors of a sharp increase
in the number of perpetrators of the Holodomor-genocide policy have been identified and substantiated. Moreover, the author
outlines the scientific inadequacy of some myths widely disseminated in academic literature.
The methodological basis of the study was an interdisciplinary approach, which made it possible to achieve the goal and
further clarify the essence of the Stalinist totalitarian regime.
Conclusions. The topic of recruitment (co-optation) of actual perpetrators of the state policies of the communist misanthropic
regime is formulated and partially researched in the article. This process caused the tragedy known as the Holodomor-
Genocide. The author focuses on various features of this cruel and cynical procedure, which led to the horrifying
death of millions of Ukrainian peasants. The key «technology» is considered to be Bolshevism — a political regime that spread
in Ukraine not only on an ideological but also on a mental level. It was so pervasive that the insurgent resistance against it
proved powerless.
Article Details
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