Agrarian question in Ukraine at the beginning of the 20th century: government-bureaucratic vision

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Zinaida Svyaschenko


Purpose. The author of the article aims to analyze the government-bureaucratic vision of solving the agrarian
issue in Ukraine at the beginning of the 20th century. in the context of the agrarian policy of the government of the Russian
Scientific novelty. The government-bureaucratic vision of solving the agrarian issue in Ukraine at the beginning of the
20th century was analyzed on the basis of the involved sources and the application of current methodological approaches. in
the context of the agrarian policy of the government of the Russian Empire.
Conclusion. The main feature of the life of Ukrainian peasants at the beginning of the 20th century. land was considered
scarce, there was also agrarian overpopulation. The transition to intensive farming was restrained by the irregularity of
agrarian relations. The problem of renting land was extremely acute for peasant farms, with which the interests of both
landowners and peasants were closely connected. Due to the lack of land, the peasants could not do without renting land, but
its conditions were quite difficult. Another difficult problem for peasant farms was the payment of taxes.
Several government commissions and meetings created at the beginning of the 20th century dealt with the study of the
state of agriculture in the areas and proposals for solving the peasant question. The Commission on November 16, 1901 and
the Special Meeting on the Needs of the Agricultural Industry had the most tangible influence. They summarized valuable
material about the state of the agricultural industry, attracted a wide range of officials, citizens, public figures, scientists and
directly peasants. However, their intentions remained unknown to the general public, which also contributed to the maturation
of revolutionary sentiments on the ground.
The activity of the Special Meeting chaired by O. Styshynskyi and the Special Meeting A. Kulomzyn was effective. They
drafted a draft law, which on July 6, 1904, took on the character of temporary rules regulating immigration policy in the
Russian Empire. It was a law that for the first time in the legal practice of the Russian Empire regulated the social aspect of the
life of peasant settlers. But he cannot be fully recognized as socially oriented, impeccable. Because, firstly, self-willed resettled
peasants did not receive state financial support. Secondly, total state control over resettlement processes was established.

Article Details

How to Cite
Svyaschenko, Z. (2023). Agrarian question in Ukraine at the beginning of the 20th century: government-bureaucratic vision. Ukrainian Peasant, (29).
History of agrarianism
Author Biography

Zinaida Svyaschenko, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of world history and methods
of teaching, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman, Ukraine
Scopus-Author ID : 58117304500


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