Activities of Uman zemstans regarding the dissemination of agronomic knowledge

Main Article Content

Zinaida Svyaschenko


Abstract. Purpose. The author of the article aims to find out the regional features of the zemstvos of the Right Bank of
Ukraine on the dissemination of agronomic knowledge on the materials of the Uman zemstvo.
Scientific novelty. On the basis of the involved sources and the application of current methodological approaches, an
attempt was made to find out the regional peculiarities in the activity of zemstvos of the Right Bank of Ukraine regarding the
dissemination of agronomic knowledge based on the materials of the Uman zemstvo. It has been proven that the implementation
of agronomic measures in peasant households contributed to their profitability and a closer connection with the needs of the
market, their further commodification.
Conclusion. It is noted that the Uman zemstvo carried out agricultural education in various forms. The most common of
these were the organization of courses for peasants and teachers, the distribution of popular literature. The students studied
the issues of agriculture, horticulture, gardening, beekeeping, silkworm breeding, etc. The basis of the courses for teachers
was the Uman school of horticulture and agriculture. The Zemstvo administration tried to arm the peasants with at least basic
knowledge of the basics of agronomy and veterinary medicine. The Zemstvo also set up a mobile museum and introduced
the position of agronomist-lecturer, arranged demonstration fields. There was an award for high-quality spring plowing, the
opening of rental stations for agricultural equipment, providing interest-free loans for the purchase of agricultural machinery.
This was very important, because in this way the zemstvos gradually taught the peasants to turn to new progressive
methods of management, its rationalization. This case was new, it took a lot of effort and time to get the desired results.
Information about these and other events was widely covered in the press of the time. An example is publications in the
newspaper «Kievlyanin».
It is noted that zemstvos often provided agronomic assistance through various types of cooperatives. Another area of work
of zemstvos was the study of the development of the cooperative movement in order to determine what kind of help the society
needed. There have been cases of zemstvos joining cooperatives.
The Uman county zemstvo played a significant role in disseminating agronomic knowledge among the peasants of the
region, which was an extremely important matter, because the peasants were gradually taught to turn to new progressive
methods of management, its rationalization. This case was new, it took a lot of effort and time to get the desired results. The
experience of the best, showy peasant farms contributed to the gradual involvement of others in the processes of improving
agricultural culture, made the production of agricultural products profitable. The introduction of agronomic measures in
peasant farms contributed to their profitability and closer connection with the needs of the market, their further socialization.

Article Details

How to Cite
Svyaschenko, Z. (2022). Activities of Uman zemstans regarding the dissemination of agronomic knowledge. Ukrainian Peasant, (27).
Селянство за умов соціокультурних, соціально-економічнихта суспільно-політичних трансформацій ХІХ – ХХ ст
Author Biography

Zinaida Svyaschenko, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of world history and methods of teaching, Pavlo Tychyna Uman
State Pedagogical University,
Uman, Ukraine


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