Coverage of the life of the Ukrainian post-war village on the pages of the local press (1943–1950)

Main Article Content

Oleksandr Shamrai


The purpose of the article is to study the practice of covering various aspects of post-war Ukrainian village life
(1943–1950) based on the materials of the local press of the regions of Central Ukraine, to clarify the ideological component of printed publications as a means of forming the public opinion of rural residents and their participation in reconstruction processes.
Scientific novelty. The author of the article for the first time carried out an analysis of the content of publications on rural studies in the local press of the post-war period and introduced new source data into scientific circulation, characterized the circle of authors who contributed to local newspapers and critically considered the ideological conditions of their functioning.
Conclusions. It was found that the local press was an important means of covering the life of the post-war Ukrainian village (1943–1950) and was represented by district newspapers. Their content and thematic orientation were determined by the ruling Communist Party ideology at the time. Newspapers, acting as a leader of the political course of the Bolshevik Party, paid special attention to campaigning and propaganda work, covering the process of agricultural production and the implementation of economic plans and socialist commitments.
Post-war rural life coverage in the local press was carried out under the control of Communist Party authorities and was aimed at creating an atmosphere of popular support for the Stalinist course of the Communist Party in society. Such topics as the famine of 1946-1947, political repressions and persecutions were neglected

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How to Cite
Shamrai, O. (2024). Coverage of the life of the Ukrainian post-war village on the pages of the local press (1943–1950). Ukrainian Peasant, (31).
Methodology, historiography and source studies of agrarian history
Author Biography

Oleksandr Shamrai, Cherkasy State Technological University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Law, Cherkasy State Technological University, Cherkasy, Ukraine


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