All-ukrainian seed society (1922–1928): attempt to build a seed cooperation

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Victor Chalavan


The purpose of the publication is to analyze the activities of the All-Ukrainian Seed Society in the direction of building a seed cooperative in the 1920s, in particular, regarding the creation of a cooperative network of district seed societies
with all local structural links - research stations, agrobases, agricultural schools, state farms, etc.
The scientific novelty of the research lies in the assessment of the contribution of the All-Ukrainian Seed Society (1922–
1928) to the construction of the seed cooperative. It is significant that the documents of the Central State Archive of the higher authorities of Ukraine used by the author are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.
It was established that the All-Ukrainian Society of Seed Production became an organization created by the state in the early 20s of the 20th century in order to implement state plans for arranging seed production. In addition, in the conditions of gradual limitation of private entrepreneurial initiative, the activity of AUSSP was aimed at socializing the seed business and introducing it into the direction of statehood and cooperation. AUSSP represented one of the types of professional cooperation for more complete and better service of a separate intensive branch of agriculture - seed production. Seed production and
variety testing are the basis of the seed business, efforts have been made to strengthen the work of variety breeding stations and the variety testing network, coordination of work with the Sugar Trust in both programmatic and methodological terms. Despite the fact that AUSSP became exemplary in the achievements of varietal study, zoning of Ukraine for the rational placement of varieties in order to restore the varietal resources of the state, and also achieved significant success in the construction of the
union network and instructional and organizational service of the periphery, in the conditions of the collapse of the NEP at the end of the 1920s it turned out to be an unnecessary intermediary in the system of the updated agricultural seed cooperation.

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How to Cite
Chalavan, V. (2024). All-ukrainian seed society (1922–1928): attempt to build a seed cooperation. Ukrainian Peasant, (31).
The peasantry under the conditions of socio-cultural, socio-economic and socio-political transformations of the 19th – the 21th century
Author Biography

Victor Chalavan, All-ukrainian seed society (1922–1928): attempt to build a seed cooperation

Сandidate of History, National Scientific Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)


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