The Derman Monastery and the functioning of the peasantry in its domain (ХVІ-ХVІІ centuries)

Main Article Content

Nataliіa Lopatska


The article aims to study the peculiarities of the functioning of the peasantry within the domains that belonged
to the Derman monastery in the 16th - 17th centuries.
Scientific novelty. In this study, an attempt was made to objectively analyze the functioning of the peasantry in the
possessions of the Derman monastery in the 16th and 17th centuries regarding the peculiarities of their tax payment and their
types. The trends related to the nature of peasant appeals to the monastery court are justified.
Conclusion. In this way, owning profitable estates (Derman, Kunyn, Glynsk, Bilashiv, Mizoch (Mizochyk), Korshiv), in
the 16th - 17th centuries. The Derman Holy Trinity religious center became one of the richest in Volyn. It is obvious that the
peasants-subjects formed the content of the taxable population, acted as an effective and important component that, through
the taxation system, ensured the appropriate level of development of the monastic economy. The profits of the spiritual abode
gradually and proportionally increased due to both in-kind taxation and cash payments from the peasants. Numerous profits
received from the monastery economy and paid by peasant subjects, monetary and in-kind levies ensured the full functioning of the monastery. The peasant subjects of the Derman monastery had the right to appeal to the court of the religious monastery.
The court resolved issues of non-payment of taxes and rent, disputes between subjects. For non-fulfillment of obligations,
peasants could be punished with monetary or material fines. Peasants could also address issues of domestic misunderstandings, which was also the competence of the monastery court.

Article Details

How to Cite
Lopatska, N. (2023). The Derman Monastery and the functioning of the peasantry in its domain (ХVІ-ХVІІ centuries). Ukrainian Peasant, (29).
Етнокультурне буття, духовність і світогляд селянства
Author Biography

Nataliіa Lopatska, Private Higher Educational Institution «Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities»

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Head of the Department of History,
Private Higher Educational Institution
«Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities», Rivne, Ukraine


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