Economic activities as everyday practices of the nobility in the left bank of Ukraine in the first half of the 19th century
Main Article Content
Purpose. Using the materials of the nobility of the Left-Bank Ukraine in the first half of the 19th century, show
how daily life trajectories were built through economic activities in the conditions set by the structures of modernization.
Conclusion. In the new socio-cultural and economic conditions of the first half of the 19th century, economic activities
became an integral part of the daily life of the Ukrainian noble class. This led to the development of a new type of experimental
landlord, whose life strategies were connected with entrepreneurial activity in various sectors of the economy. This required the
enrichment of experience through the exchange of information via various economic publications. Such noble landlords actively combined economic activities with literary creativity on economic topics. Examples of the daily life of active experimental landlords, gentleman-farmers, and educated landowners are able to challenge the still prevalent stereotype of noble life, which is often imagined as being solely focused on entertainment, gambling, and exploiting peasant subjects. The necessity of enriching the structure of the history of everyday life through the economic component is emphasized. This will also allow for a better understanding of the social and intellectual situation in the Ukrainian regions during the pre-reform era and change perceptions of the nobility as betrayers of the interests of their own people.
Article Details
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