Collective farm house is a laboratory - stage on the way of research development

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Mariya Rohozha


Abstract. Purpose. The prerequisites for the creation, process of creation, staffing and management of the activities of
the collective farm house-laboratory as a stage on the way of the development of research work in a separate farm of agrarian
direction are analyzed; her works in the horticultural direction, as well as the impact of the collision of a personal nature.
Scientific novelty. The article, based on methodological approaches using the principles and methods of historical
research, reproduces the progressive process of creation, organization and content of the work of a collective farm houselaboratory in a separate agricultural artel.
Conclusion. The article, based on methodological approaches using the principles and methods of historical research,
reproduces the gradual process of creation, organization and content of the work of a collective farm house-laboratory in a
separate agricultural parcel. The assertion that the direct activity of its head (P.V. Makarenko) and the team of the garden
brigade was ensured through a system of consistent management decisions and executive activities on the lands of the collective
farm named after Stalin created a production unit (an orchard, a greenhouse and an apiary) in the integral structure of the
The effectiveness of the brigade in horticulture and the production of garden crop seeds was emphasized. The realization of
the results of the work of the gardening brigade made a significant contribution to the financial situation of the collective farm.
The personal qualities of the leader P. V. Makarenko ensured the effectiveness of the work of the brigade. But the manager’s
active activity, principledness and ability to achieve set goals were not always understood. Insinuations about his past and
complaints about demandingness and principledness in evaluating the work of the collective farm and machine-tractor station
began. Eventually, a series of denunciations led to his arrest and conviction. The house-laboratory fulfilled its task as a stage,
created the prerequisites for the organization of the next varietal research station on the basis of the collective farm.

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How to Cite
Rohozha, M. (2022). Collective farm house is a laboratory - stage on the way of research development. Ukrainian Peasant, (27).
Селянство за умов соціокультурних, соціально-економічнихта суспільно-політичних трансформацій ХІХ – ХХ ст
Author Biography

Mariya Rohozha, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

кандидат історичних наук, доцент кафедри історії України,
Уманський державний педагогічний університет імені Павла Тичини,
м. Умань, Україна
ORCID: https:org//0000-0002-9545-830Х


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