The role of the «Manchester Guardian» newspaper in representing the Holodomor of 1932–1933 in Ukraine
Main Article Content
Objective of the Study. The author aims to analyze the role of the British newspaper «Manchester Guardian» in
covering the Holodomor of 1932–1933 in Ukraine.
Scientific Novelty. The coverage of the Holodomor of 1932–1933 in Ukraine by English-language media constitutes a
significant aspect of the broader studies on the history of this tragedy. The materials of the «Manchester Guardian» require
more detailed analysis. This article complements previous research by emphasizing the critical stance of this publication toward
Soviet policies. The analysis of these materials reveals how the «Manchester Guardian» portrayed the Holodomor from
humanitarian, economic, and socio-political perspectives. The newspaper’s reports expose the Holodomor not only as an economic
disaster but also as an act of systemic repression aimed at the destruction of the Ukrainian peasantry.
Conclusions. The «Manchester Guardian» gave particular importance to covering the Holodomor of 1932–1933 in
Ukraine, as this topic resonated deeply with European readers. On the one hand, they inspired parts of Western society to
criticize the USSR and even raised concerns among some politicians. On the other hand, Soviet sympathizers perceived these
articles as propaganda aimed at discrediting the new socialist order. While some saw in these reports a truthful depiction of
the horrors of the Holodomor, others argued that the newspaper exaggerated the scale of the tragedy or misused facts to foster
anti-Soviet rhetoric. Despite these polarized reactions, the articles contributed to shaping the image of the Soviet Union as a
harsh, repressive system that disregarded human rights for political ideals. This, in turn, influenced subsequent perceptions of
the USSR on the international stage
Article Details
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