Rimeter structures in the magical practices of Ukrainian healers

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Andriy Temchenko


The goal is to gain new knowledge of the mythology of the spatial horizon during the formation of perimental
constructions of the healing rite. The semantics of perimeter structures, which are used to model the ritual space, are examined
in the paper.
Scientific novelty. Isolating the perimeter as a separate spatial constant allows to slightly change the focus of the study
of the spatial loci of the healing ritual.
Conclusions. Healing-and-ritual texts in a certain way duplicate etiological myths, since they are supposed to reproduce
the patient’s bodily integrity. For this purpose, spatial perimeter structures are modeled, within which stereotypes of the behavior
of ritual performers are established and the functionality of household objects is changed. The limit value of the ritual space
is adjusted depending on the purpose of its implementation. Thresholds, windows, chimneys, and doors are the critical points
that “control” unauthorized exit outside the space established by the ritual. The symbolism of the corner is also associated
with the quadrangle, the perpendicular breaks of which form “weak” places, which explains the reproduction of graphemes,
monograms or bas-relief images on its outer contours.
A symbolic form of organization of ritual space is the quadrangle, which demonstrates the way of cultural mastering of
the horizontal. The binary opposite to the quadrilateral is the circle, which repeats natural forms. Hence there is the symbolism
of the circle in funeral rites, which is seen as a way of returning to the natural state.

Article Details

How to Cite
Temchenko, A. (2024). Rimeter structures in the magical practices of Ukrainian healers. Ukrainian Peasant, (33). https://doi.org/10.31651/2413-8142-2024-33-Temchenko
Етнокультурне буття, духовність і світогляд селянства
Author Biography

Andriy Temchenko, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of the Ukrainian History, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Сherkasy, Ukraine
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3999-9459
e-mail: temchen@ukr.net


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