Transformation of traditional children’s clothes of Ukrainians at the late of the 19th – middle of the 20th century

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Ihor Tureiskyi


The purpose of the article is to study changes in traditional Ukrainian children’s clothing from the late of the 19th to the middle of the 20th century, to determine the main factors that influenced children’s clothing culture, the degree of preservation of traditional practices and ideas, and the features of innovations.

The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the author characterized the defining aspects of the transformation of traditional children’s clothing, the peculiarities of his daily life in the specified period, the factors that influenced it.
Conclusions. Children’s clothing complements our idea of folk clothing, to a large extent illustrates the attitude towards the child, understanding of its needs and development, involvement in work, role in society. The issue of changes in children’s clothing reveals some features of transformational processes in society. In the first half of the 20th century the Ukrainian people suffered a difficult historical fate, wars and famines, ideological repressions and repressions caused inevitable changes in the people’s existence. At the same time, the time of progress, urbanization processes, changes in the economic system and worldview influenced the departure from traditional ideas and practices. These processes also affected children’s clothing culture, which met the challenges of time and cultural transformation. By the middle of the 20th century. ceremonial and symbolic aspects related to children’s clothing were preserved by Ukrainians, which indicates the important role of the traditional worldview, observance of ancient customs. Imitation of some older practices, such as the permissible minimal amount of children’s clothing, finds an explanation both in following the usual way of life and in the impossibility of improving children’s life. Therefore, various aspects of the people’s life, changes in the economic system, culture, and the consequences of historical upheavals were reflected in the
children’s clothing.

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How to Cite
Tureiskyi, I. (2023). Transformation of traditional children’s clothes of Ukrainians at the late of the 19th – middle of the 20th century. Ukrainian Peasant, (30).
Етнокультурне буття, духовність і світогляд селянства
Author Biography

Ihor Tureiskyi, NAS of Ukraine Maksym Rylskyi Institute of Art Studies, Folkloristics and Ethnology

A post-graduate student, NAS of Ukraine Maksym Rylskyi Institute of Art Studies,
Folkloristics and Ethnology, Kyiv, Ukraine.


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