Research of the town collection of NHER «Pereyaslav» (historiographical aspect)
Main Article Content
Introduction. Among the works of decorative and applied arts, the towel is one of the unique
phenomena in terms of its multifunctionality and sacred signifi cance. The scope of its use goes far beyond
utilitarian functions and the satisfaction of aesthetic needs. The inevitable presence and ritual use of the towel in
the rites associated with the birth, life and death of a person testifi es to its special semiotic status and signifi cance
in ethnic culture.
The analysis of sources and literature on this problem showed the lack of thorough publications on the
historiography of the collection of towels of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve «Pereyaslav»
(hereinafter NHER«Pereyaslav»). In particular, the topic of the towel, the formation of the collection, its research
and partly historiography are covered in the publications of L. O. Godlina, G. I. Koziy, N. L. Zaika.
Purpose. The study of the scientifi c achievements of previous researchers led to the purpose of writing the
article – analysis of developments in the study of towels NHER «Pereyaslav» and the formation of a historiographical
base on this topic.
Results. The accumulated scientifi c material and its processing gives grounds to consider this issue in three
periods: 1992–1998; 2005–2009; 2015–2021.
Despite the long-term formation of the collection of towels in the reserve, its diversity was fi rst announced in
1992, in Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky, at the All-Ukrainian scientifi c conference «Pereyaslav land and its place in the
development of the Ukrainian nation, statehood and culture».
In the analyzed and processed publications the authors consider the evolution of woven towels, characterize
woven and embroidered products of Kyiv, Rivne, Chernihiv, Sumy regions; ethnographic districts of Podillya, Kyiv
and Zhytomyr Polissya, attention is focused on home-woven towels of Poltava region, etc.
In the stock collection of towels NHER «Pereyaslav», in addition to folk, there is a certain number of such
items made in the factories of art products of Ukraine. They have also become the subject of research by researchers
of the reserve.
Originality. The author makes the fi rst attempt to generalize the available material and an attempt to
periodize the research of the collection.
Conclusion. Thus, the study of the degree of development of the problem showed that despite the constant
interest in the collection of towels NHER «Pereyaslav», a generalized historiographical study of such phenomena
as the folk towel from the mentioned collection, including all its varieties, was not carried out. The fi rst attempt
was made to analyze known publications.
Article Details

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