The relationship between the concepts of “artified famine” and “Holodomor” in the semantic and chronological dimension

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Victor Hudz


The purpose of the article: the study of the conceptual component of the concepts «Holodomor» and «artificial
famine» and the correlation of these concepts in terms of semantic content and chronological dimensions.
The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the combination of historical and historiographical discourses in
defining the semantics of the concepts «Holodomor» and «artificial famine» and their substantive and temporal boundaries.
The differences of the artificial famine in the first half of 1932 were revealed. from the organization of the genocide and the
implementation of its measures since the end of October this year.
The methodological basis of the research is classical scientific-historical technologies — historiographical, textological,
historical-comparative, problem-chronological methods.
Conclusions. A substantiated thesis that the revisionist practice of deconstructing the term «Holodomor» and the patriotic
transfer of such a definition to other famines of the first half of the 20th century. level the uniqueness of the Holodomor
as a genocide of the Ukrainian people. It has been found that researchers often expand the boundaries of the Holodomor to
December 1931 or the first half of 1932 or/and to 1934, which blurs the line between an artificial famine and the Holodomor
as an organized genocide. It was clarified that on October 22, the Extraordinary Commission for the procurement of bread
V. Molotov, organized the genocidal measures of the Holodomor. It is proposed to use the terminology «Russian-Bolshevik
Holodomor», «communist Holodomor», as a sign of the corresponding mentality of the genocidals, but not in the often used
variant «Ukrainian Holodomor». The expediency of classifying the Holodomor as genocide on a national basis is confirmed —
the technology of a preventive «devastating blow» against a nation-state in accordance with the «Convention on the Prevention
of the Crime of Genocide and its Punishment» adopted by the UN.

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How to Cite
Hudz, V. (2024). The relationship between the concepts of “artified famine” and “Holodomor” in the semantic and chronological dimension. Ukrainian Peasant, (33).
The Holodomor 1932 – 1932
Author Biography

Victor Hudz, Department of History and Archeology, Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Department of History and Archeology, Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine


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