Daily Life of Minor Citizens in the zone of military administration of the occupied territories of Ukraine (1941–1943)

Main Article Content

Gryhoriy Golysh


The purpose of the proposed article is to analyse the daily life of minor citizens of child and adolescent age
of the occupied Ukraine in the territorial continuum of the military administration zone (1941–1943) based on archival and
publicized documentary and separate narrative sources.
The scientific novelty of the publication can be seen in the comprehensive analysis of the everyday life of minor Ukrainians
during the Nazi occupation in order to reveal the terrorist essence of the Nazi occupation regime and establish analogies
with the occupation policy of Putin’s Russia in the current Russian-Ukrainian war.
Conclusions. Empirical material involved in the writing of the article convinces that the situation of minor Ukrainians
in the zone of military administration of occupied Ukraine was characterized by special dimensions and tragic characteristics.
Terrorist actions against the youngest members of the civilian population became a component of the occupation policy of
anti-Ukrainian ethnocide. This shameful phenomenon was multidimensional in nature and had the most diverse manifestations:
physical extermination of children and adolescents, terror by hunger and disease, deprivation of basic living conditions, etc. In
the occupied territories, the involvement of minors in forced labour, including heavy and dangerous, and brutal repression for
evading it, has become widespread and widespread. One of the leading vectors of the occupation policy of the Nazis was also
the forced mobilization of minors for slave labour in the Hitler’s Reich. The mass deportation of children and adolescents to
Hitler’s Germany, which was sometimes carried out in the form of purposeful and self-sufficient actions, reached its peak
in 1943, taking on the character of large-scale deportations at the final stage of the occupation.
The involved empirical material makes it possible to establish clear analogies between the occupation policy of the
Hitlerites in the World War II and Putin’s Russia in its ongoing war against Ukraine and substantiate the thesis about the homogeneity
of the nature of both totalitarian regimes as consistently terrorist and anti-Ukrainian.

Article Details

How to Cite
Golysh, G. (2024). Daily Life of Minor Citizens in the zone of military administration of the occupied territories of Ukraine (1941–1943). Ukrainian Peasant, (33). https://doi.org/10.31651/2413-8142-2024-33-Golysh
The peasantry under the conditions of socio-cultural, socio-economic and socio-political transformations
Author Biography

Gryhoriy Golysh, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, director of the scientific library named after M. Maksymovich, The
Bohdan Khmelnitsky National University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy, Ukraine
ORCID https: //orcidorg/0000-0001-5203-0859
e-mail: biblioteka.cnu@gmail.com


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