Formation of new organizational and economic structures in ukrainian villages at the first stage of agrarian reform (1985 – 1995)
Main Article Content
Abstract. The purpose of the article is to outline the formation of new organizational and economic structures in Ukrainian
villages at the first stage of agrarian reform (1985–1995). The article explores the main directions in the formation of new
organizational and economic structures in Ukrainian rural areas, which took place in the mid-1980s to 1990s. It examines
both the positive aspects and the challenges of their functioning, as well as the development of relevant legal documents by
government bodies.
Methodology. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, systematization, and a critical
approach, using general scientific and specialized methods of historical science. The use of the historical approach allowed
for a deeper understanding of the reasons, mechanisms, and consequences of the transition from the collective farm (kolkhozsovkhoz)
system to organizational and economic structures of a peasant-farmer type. The article notes that, from economic,
social, and moral-psychological perspectives, this was a rather complex and ambiguous process. In the initial stage of the
reform, new organizational and economic structures in Ukraine’s agricultural sector sometimes emerged situationally.
Conclusions. The most successful organizational structure was the Collective Agricultural Enterprises (CAE). They
were established by members of collective farms and played an important role in stabilizing the moral and psychological
environment in the villages. It was noted that without proper financial and material-technical support, they were unable to
achieve positive results in rural management.
It was found that most peasants at that time were not ready for individual farming, and they leased out their land shares.
Only a small number of them chose to establish Personal Subsidiary Farms (PSF). At the same time, business structures (large
entrepreneurs, banks) had already shown interest in acquiring agricultural land.
Article Details
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