«Voice of the people» in documents at the beginning of the 20th century: problems of cognitive methodology

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Serhii Savchenko
Oleksandr Mykhailiuk


The aim of the article is to consider the debatable issue of reflecting the «voice of the people», «will of the people», «dreams of the people» and other metaphysical categories of political populism in the mass documentation of competitive politics of the beginning of the 20th century. This documentation plays a key role in understanding socio-cultural processes and the specifics of the interaction between the people, the authorities and the politically active intelligentsia.
Conclusions. The article raises the question of how the «voice of the people» is reflected in the documents of the
beginning of the 20th century, which can be conventionally defined as «political documentation», as well as how this voice can be detected and isolated from the stream of political declarations of the party intelligentsia. These are, first of all, «conviction» documents, letters of thanks, addresses, telegrams, police reports, protocols and a number of others that arose in the context of the activation of socio-political life and interaction between the government, the people and political forces of a progovernment and opposition nature (revolution, peasant movement, changes in the state system, the birth of parliamentarism, legalization of party life, etc.). An important point in the correct interpretation of such documents and documentary complexes is the historian’s ability to see and take into account the extent of distortions of the authentic «voice of the people» reflected in these texts. Aberrational factors were the intervention of «intermediaries» between the people and the authorities, who tried to pass their position on the will of the people.

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How to Cite
Savchenko, S., & Mykhailiuk, O. (2023). «Voice of the people» in documents at the beginning of the 20th century: problems of cognitive methodology. Ukrainian Peasant, (30). https://doi.org/10.31651/2413-8142-2023-30-Savchenko-Mykhailiuk
Methodology, historiography and source studies of agrarian history
Author Biographies

Serhii Savchenko, Ukrainian State University of science and technologies

PhD. (History), Docent, Department of the Document Studies and
Information Activities Ukrainian State University of science and technologies, Dnipro, Ukraine
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3615-2343
Scopus-Author ID 57222372881
e-mail: serhijs@gmail.com

Oleksandr Mykhailiuk, Ukrainian State University of science and technologies

PhD hab. (History), Professor, Department of the Document Studies and
Information Activities Ukrainian State University of science and technologies, Dnipro, Ukraine
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3596-0250
e-mail: mich_al@ukr.net


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