Dangerous hydrological phenomena in the Middle Dnipro basin and their impact on the lifehood of the peasanry of the 19th century

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Nadiia Kompaniiets


The purpose is a substantiation of the role of natural disasters, in particular extreme hydrological phenomena,
as a significant historical actor that permanently influenced the life of an agrarian society. The model of relations between the peasantry and the environment was studied on the example of the Middle Dnipro region in the 19th century. 
The scientific novelty of the research. Based on archival sources, statistical data, reports in the press, as well as
the work of previous researchers, an attempt was made to compile the most complete register of dangerous hydrological phenomena that occurred in the middle course of the Dnipro and its tributaries during the 19th century.
Conclusion. In the pre-industrial society, extraordinary hydrological phenomena – flood, flood and drought – along with other natural disasters, were a serious natural «challenge» that required adequate social «responses» (in the Toynbian sense).
In relatively prosperous years (periods of «euphoria»), society reacts less sensitively to natural disasters. On the other hand, the repetition of cataclysms for several years in a row acquired a cumulative effect.
Based on the compiled register of dangerous hydrological phenomena, we can state that during the 19th century. every third year in the middle course of the Dnipro and its tributaries was marked by a devastating flood, flooding or drought. In the event of the occurrence of dangerous hydrological phenomena, the rural population of the region became the most vulnerable layer, since a large-scale cataclysm had catastrophic consequences for the farmer, could paralyze the life of a separate peasant yard, community, volost or even a county for a long time, and in some cases - put the peasant on the limit of survival.

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How to Cite
Kompaniiets, N. (2023). Dangerous hydrological phenomena in the Middle Dnipro basin and their impact on the lifehood of the peasanry of the 19th century. Ukrainian Peasant, (30). https://doi.org/10.31651/2413-8142-2023-30-Kompaniiets
The peasantry under the conditions of socio-cultural, socio-economic and socio-political transformations in the 20th – the early 21th
Author Biography

Nadiia Kompaniiets, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy, Ukraine

post-graduate student of the Department of Archeology and Auxiliary sciencies of history,
Bohdan KhmelnytskyNational University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy, Ukraine
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1662-717X
e-mail: 1retro8000@gmail.com


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