Educational-cooperative discourse of Khmelnytskyi region: returned names of Ukrainian intelligentia
Main Article Content
The purpose of the research is to show the latent components of the founding of the Kamianets-Podilskyi
Cooperative Technical School in 1922, based on the analysis of historical material about the formation of the educational
system in Soviet Ukraine, to trace the direction of changes in the views and beliefs of the first head of the Cooperative Technical
Conclusions. The founding of the Kamianets-Podilsky Cooperative Technical School and the teaching activities of
professional teachers whose biographies were typical of the Podillia intelligentsia at that time allow us to talk about the
cooperative intelligentsia and its localization in the city of Kamianets-Podilskyi. The charter of the Cooperative Technical
School provided for the “subscription” of books, textbooks, and magazines abroad - teachers sought to know and implement
European assets in the field of education and cooperation. In 1922, the Bolshevik anti-religious campaign did not affect the
“Christmas and Easter breaks” in the academic year. The teaching staff, in particular I. Florynskyi, M. Hozhenko, P. Yurkevych,
L. Borytskyi, A. Hulevych, were pro-Ukrainian and were not members of the Communist Party. I. Florynskyi believed that the
activity of the Cooperative Technical School is important for Podillia and the cooperative movement. It has been confirmed
that I. Florynskyi was the father of the well-known Podil poet A. Smotrych, in emigration they remained pro-Ukrainian and
believed in Ukraine.
Article Details
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