Activity of Cherkasy Bioresources Research Station of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine and the Contribution of Its Scientists to the Breeding of Native Breeds of Dairy Cattle

Main Article Content

Oksana Mazur


Purpose. To study the history of the development of the Cherkasy Research Station of Biological Resources of
the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, to find out the role of its scientists in the creation of domestic dairy
cattle breeds.
Scientific novelty of the publication is determined by the introduction of unpublished archival materials of the Cherkasy
Research Station of Biological Resources into the scientific circulation and in the comprehensive coverage of the role of the
station’s scientists in the scientific support of dairy cattle breeding in the Cherkasy region in the early 2000s.
Conclusions. The station has a 94-year development history: from a laboratory for studying the condition and number
of hunting animals in the Ukrainian SSR in 1929 to an experimental station of bioresources of the Institute of Animal Breeding
and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine since 2011, and directly subordinated to the National Academy
of Sciences of Ukraine since 2014.
Since 2011, the station has become a regional center for scientific support of the livestock industry in Cherkasy region,
whose scientists develop comprehensive methods for increasing productivity in dairy farming, pig and sheep breeding. The
station’s scientists played a decisive role in continuing the dairy cattle breeding process in Ukraine in the early 2000s and
improving the newly created Ukrainian red and black-spotted dairy breeds and types of dairy cattle: in 2012-2014, the head of
the station, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Mykhailo
Bashchenko; Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Leontii Khmelnytskyi; Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior
Researcher of the station, Ivan Tyshchenko.
Today, the research station provides the following areas of scientific activity in dairy cattle breeding: improvement of
selection and breeding work in breeding and creation of new highly productive breeds and types of farm animals; scientific
support for breeding based on modern achievements in population genetics, immunogenetics, cytogenetics, biology of
reproduction of automated information systems using modern methods of breeding records and genetic evaluation of animals.

Article Details

How to Cite
Mazur, O. (2023). Activity of Cherkasy Bioresources Research Station of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine and the Contribution of Its Scientists to the Breeding of Native Breeds of Dairy Cattle. Ukrainian Peasant, (29).
Agrarian history in names
Author Biography

Oksana Mazur, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy, Ukraine

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of the Department of Ukraine history
Cherkasy National University named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky,
Cherkasy, Ukraine


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