Soviet “subjugation by hunger” and the problem of the Ukrainian liberation movement in Zaporizhzhia region

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Yuriy Shchur


Purpose – to consider the influence of the Holodomor of 1932-1933 and the famine of 1921-1922 and 1946-
1947 on the events of the Ukrainian liberation movement in the territory of the modern Zaporizhzhia region.
Scientific novelty of the publication lies in highlighting the relationship of hunger, as a weapon, to the liberation
movement in Zaporizhzhia region, both to its development and to its decline.
Conclusion. A feature of the Soviet Bolshevik government’s struggle with the Ukrainian insurgent movement in the early
1920s was the use of hunger as an effective method of subjugation. The result of a new wave of peasant anti-Soviet struggle
during collectivization was execution by starvation in 1932-1933, which aimed to destroy the traditional rural order and,
accordingly, the social base of the liberation movement. The Holodomor is not only an act of genocide, but also a preemptive
strike by the CP(b)U and state security agencies against the basic mental features of the Ukrainian village, which did not
allow it to be turned into a “cog” of the system. The first results of the “subjugation of the village” were manifested during
the German-Soviet war, when peasants mostly chose strategies of personal survival, often avoiding active resistance to the
occupation systems.
The famine of 1921-1922 allowed the Bolsheviks to accelerate the liquidation of the remnants of the insurgent movement
and national-cultural societies. New sources of resistance, which began to unfold in the second half of the 1920s and reached
its peak in 1930, were destroyed with the help of the policy of total cleansing of the Ukrainian countryside in 1932-1933. As a
result, a new stage of the struggle for independence in the 1940s no longer had such a significant social base in Zaporizhzhia
and Naddnipryanshchyna in general, in contrast to the western regions, where Sovietization began only in 1939 and was shortlived. The post-war famine caused the emergence of anti-Soviet independent organizations, but they could not overcome the system with its professional repressive and punitive apparatus.

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How to Cite
Shchur, Y. (2023). Soviet “subjugation by hunger” and the problem of the Ukrainian liberation movement in Zaporizhzhia region. Ukrainian Peasant, (29).
The femine of the 1921 – 1922, the Holodomor 1932 – 1932, The femine of the 1946 – 1947
Author Biography

Yuriy Shchur, Zaporizhzhia National University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Modern History of Ukraine,
Zaporizhzhia National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine


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