Ensuring environmental security in the field of land use by means of criminal justice in modern conditions

Main Article Content

Anna Landina


The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of ensuring environmental security in the field of
land use by means of symbolic justice.
The scientific novelty of the research. The main means of criminal justice for ensuring law and order in the field of land
use is criminal responsibility, which is a guarantee of compliance with rules and order, and is the strictest and most effective
means of state coercion when committing the most socially dangerous offenses in the field of land relations. Criminal offenses
in the field of land use encroach on the order of land relations, on the provision of human life and health and the health of the
population as a whole, on the proper condition of other objects of ecological legal relations - air, subsoil, objects of animal and
plant life, water resources, ensuring property rights, order of business activity; the damage caused by the spoiling and pollution
of lands is manifested in the ecological sphere, in the sphere of the national economy and in the personal sphere, since a person
always suffers from such illegal actions. The war created additional complications in the field of ensuring ecological security of
land use, which are related to: mass displacement of people; the lack of legislative regulation of new needs and the impossibility
of implementing existing regulatory provisions and restrictions in the field of land relations; aggravation of already existing
problems related to land use; loss of government control over state lands; inability to maintain land registers and cadastres,
their destruction; violation of the right of ownership to the land of the legal owners; the opening of new prospects for abuses
by officials in the field of land use; threats to the normal legal functioning of the land market.
Conclusions. The conducted research led to the conclusions regarding the need to improve the current norms of criminal
legislation in this area regarding the subject (size of the land plot) and qualifying circumstances (commitment of such criminal
offenses by an official using his official position) of offenses in the field of land use.

Article Details

How to Cite
Landina, A. (2023). Ensuring environmental security in the field of land use by means of criminal justice in modern conditions. Ukrainian Peasant, (29). https://doi.org/10.31651/2413-8142-2023-29-Landina
The peasantry under the conditions of socio-cultural, socio-economic and socio-political transformations in the 20th – the early 21th
Author Biography

Anna Landina, Institute state and rights named after V. M. Koretsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

PhD (in Law), Senior researcher, Institute state and rights named after V. M. Koretsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3808-7573
e-mail: anna-lavanda@ukr.net


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